🚛 Need a DOT Physical? We've Got You Covered! 🚛

Dr. Wicks has been keeping drivers in Columbia Missouri road-ready since 2014 as an FMCSA National Registry Certified Medical Examiner! Whether you're behind the wheel of a big rig or a company vehicle, he’s qualified to perform your CDL/DOT/CMV physical exams with ease.

💰 Cost: $110
📌 Billing through your employer? Just $10 extra (when pre-arranged).

🚦 Ready to roll? Fill out the form below, or call/text our office to book your appointment today!

🚑 Bonus: No waiting around in a room full of sick people—we keep things efficient, so you can get in, get out, and get back on the road!

  • To make sure there are no delays in obtaining a med card, here are some things to bring to the physical.

    If you have a medical history and are under the on-going care of a specialist bring the following paperwork to the exam:

    Contact information – Have names and phone numbers of your doctors in case you need to call and have them fax missing information.

    Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Bring a printed copy of your CPAP records from over the last 30 days. You can get a copy of this from your respiratory pharmacy.

    Diabetes – Drivers with Type II diabetes please bring a list of medications and name of prescribing doctor. Diabetic truck drivers need to bring in a copy of your hemoglobin A1c performed within the last 3 months (a test that shows what your average blood sugar level is over prior 8-12 weeks.) Drivers who take insulin to control their diabetes please bring your current diabetes exemption, the endocrinologist DOT form.

    Medications List – Bring a list of all of your medications: prescribed, over-the-counter, and supplements that you take. For all prescribed medication please bring the prescribing doctor’s name, clinic information, dose, and reason for taking it.

    High Blood Pressure – Please bring a list of medications, the name of prescribing doctor, and the doctor’s clinic and address. Please bring a copy of your home blood pressure log.

    Heart Problems– If you’ve had heart issues: arrhythmia’s, valve issues, stents, bypass, heart attacks, or heart disease you’ll need to bring a copy of your last stress test results (ETT) , a cardiologist release note, and your latest ejection fraction (if applicable).

  • Do not use any nicotine on the day of the exam. Nicotine will accelerate your heart rate and raise your blood pressure.

    Make sure that you take your blood pressure medication as it was prescribed by your doctor.

    Don’t drink coffee, soda, or high salt foods before your exam. Caffeine and salt both will raise your blood pressure through different means.

    Make sure you don’t run out of your prescribed blood-pressure medication.

    Drink plenty of water before the exam (and always). This will allow your body to remove as much excess salt as possible.

    Remember to take your medication on schedule. If you forget, most doctors recommend taking your medication as soon as possible.

    Track your blood pressure at home, it is a good idea to buy a blood pressure cuff and record your morning reading each day. Please bring that log in for the exam.

    If you do forget to take your medication please let Dr. Wicks know and we can reschedule the exam or perform the blood pressure exam on another day.

  • Remember to bring the relevant medical records, including your list of medications and prescribing doctors information, clearance from your treating doctor, heart doctor, or eye doctor if applicable.

    Bring any DOT or State of Missouri waivers and accompanying skills performance evaluations, CPAP results, and lab work.

    Remember to bring your contacts or glasses if you think they may be needed.

    Drink water.

    Avoid coffee and tobacco.


4301 Rainbow Trout Dr., Suite 103
Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: 573.442.2060
Text: 573.919.0005